Sometimes, students preparing for a career in healthcare aren’t completely sure what field will ultimately be best for them. That raises a question: if they graduate from a Medical Assisting program, for example, will they be able to change their profession down the line without going back to school?
The simple answer is “Yes,” but there may be certain careers that will require additional specialized training. That Medical Assisting graduate, to use the previous reference, couldn’t expect to simply transition into Surgical Technology, for example. However, there are a number of jobs someone already in the healthcare field likely is qualified to perform.
The duties of a medical assistant, medical biller & coder, or medical secretary/office assistant often overlap in many areas. An individual familiar with the basics of a healthcare operation likely could fill any or all of those positions – either by learning from a colleague by watching them operate or with a little on-the-job training.
The same applies for a homecare/personal care aide, nursing assistant, patient care aide, occupational therapist aide and psychiatric aide. They might even become a patient advocate. Based on their knowledge of how things work in a physician’s office or hospital, they may be qualified to help others navigate the healthcare system.
Healthcare workers with an Associate Degree in Nursing (RN) have even more career options open to them. Everything from becoming a traveling nurse to a cruise line nurse; working in a hospital NICU, emergency room, or surgical unit; or becoming a corporate consultant, working in IT, doing research or sales, or getting into education. In fact, Nurse Journal lists at least 100 different jobs one can have with a nursing degree.
Because everyone must see a doctor from time to time, a career in the healthcare field typically is a smart choice. Fortis Colleges & Institutes prepare students for rewarding careers in a variety of medically-related professions. Visit our site to check out the options at the campus nearest you.
And remember, whatever healthcare field you choose today can likely be easily transitioned into a related field as your own personal and professional goals evolve.