We just celebrated Medical Assistants Recognition Week – a week when patients and providers alike salute these professionals for all they do. However, Medical Assistants really need to be celebrated 52 weeks a year.
Why? We probably could write a book on the topic, but let’s just list a few reasons why Medical Assistants are such an important part of quality healthcare in America today.
First, as physicians’ offices transition to more advanced team-based care, Medical Assistants are filling new and enhanced roles. They’re being asked to manage a range of tasks, from medication reconciliation and prescription refills to care-gap closure and patient documentation…and more. Typically, they have the skills necessary to handle complex procedures and problems, taking some of the pressures of healthcare off the primary providers they serve.
The Role of Medical Assistants
In addition, as strong multi-taskers, Medical Assistants often handle everything from registering patients to providing skilled clinical assistance during treatments or explaining things to patients in a manner that’s more easily understood. “I’m never in a room without one of my Medical Assistants,” says one Nebraska doctor. “As long as I’ve been in practice, they’ve been part of my team.”
In fact, Medical Assistants play such an important role in providing medical care that many patients choose their regular physicians based upon the quality of personalized care they receive from the office’s Medical Assistants. Check out what two moms had to say about the medical assistants at their physicians’ offices:
“No one likes going to the doctor, but the Medical Assistants at my doctor’s office are enough to keep me coming back.” –
Michigan Mom
“She (the Medical Assistant) even has become a role model for my children. They want to follow her footsteps and make a difference in others’ lives.” – Utah Mom
Becoming A Medical Assistant
Sound like a role you’d like to play? Several Fortis Colleges and Institutes offer Medical Assisting programs that can prepare students to join physicians’ teams as invaluable members. To learn more, check out the program details and find a campus near you where you can get the training you need to join the ranks of Medical Assistants.
Perhaps, during an upcoming Medical Assistants Recognition Week, we’ll be honoring you!