Skilled Trades

Preparing for a Career in Welding

Skilled TradesMarch 19, 2025

Sometimes described more as an art than a craft, welding is a profession of many facets and levels that plenty of people – male and female alike – find both fulfilling and appealing. Although an ancient craft, welding also is quite modern, challenging, dynamic and adapting to a new world with new knowledge and scientific principles. 

Welding’s frontiers are continually changing.

Welding’s also as much about science as art…after all, one needs a basic understanding of how and why welding works before they can do it. That’s why specific training is required to learn and practice the skilled necessary to become an expert welder. Not only that, most welding candidates will be asked to pass an exam and even become certified in a particular field before an employer will even consider hiring them.

Welding is learning that never stops. The more a welder knows how to do, the more valuable they are to employers. Even those who are proficient in arc welding, for example, are encouraged to expand their horizons and skillset, learning more about Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) by taking an extra training course. Or two. Or three. Same for added training in MIG welding (Gas Metal Arc Welding). And laser welding…and robotic arm welding, too. 

Getting Started as a Welder

There are many different routes to great careers in welding. Becoming a welding expert in more than one virtually assures a person of always being in demand.

Welding is a growth occupation, and the experts predict that will continue to be the case as shortages of capable workers grow and new welding technologies emerge. Being a skilled welder can lead to a number of career opportunities, ranging from welding teachers and trainers to welding inspectors to drawing upon a welding background to excel in equipment and consumable sales.

Whether you were “born to weld,” or are looking for career security, now is indeed an excellent time to take advantage of all available opportunities by becoming part of a large…and growing…welding family.

Fortis Colleges and Institutes provide hands-on welding learning and training programs at select campuses in Georgia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. To learn more about the career and the opportunities welding affords, visit our site

If you’re ready to enrich your knowledge, try new things, and take on demanding responsibilities, welding may be the career path you’ve been seeking. If so, Fortis can help get you there.