The field of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR) can be an exciting one. Employment for technicians and installers is projected to increase 13 percent within the decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
To land one of those jobs you will need to have the specific skills that are most in-demand among employers. Among the most important is to have completed an accredited training program that helped you learn the latest technology of the trade. But employers are actively seeking out candidates with other important skills, too.
Customer Service
Whether you are a technician or installer for commercial or residential projects, you will likely have some communication with customers. Having good customer service or sales skills can help you make a good impression and build a rapport with both prospective employers and customers. HVAC workers need to be personable, have a professional attitude, and be good communicators.
Problem Solving
It goes without saying that HVAC systems have a lot of parts, and technicians will need to get to the root cause of a problem quickly and accurately. This requires having the ability to troubleshoot issues and develop solutions on-site. Technicians need a good working knowledge of the latest HVAC equipment as well as an ability to use the latest testing methods and tools. Solving problems may include doing some independent research to find a solution or collaborating with coworkers.
Time Management
HVAC installers and technicians will have a lot of appointments throughout the day. This will require keeping track of your job schedule, showing up on time, completing the work in an efficient manner, and getting to the next appointment. As a result, installers and technicians that demonstrate good time management and organizational skills can impress a potential employer.
Willingness to Learn
Finally, the growth of the HVAC industry can be largely attributed to rapidly changing technology, and employers will look for candidates who are willing to change along with it. Today’s HVAC installers and technicians must be willing to continue to learn after they have completed their formal education. HVAC companies need people who can follow industry trends and attend professional development and training to continue to improve their skills.
The HVAC training program at Fortis prepares students to become qualified HVAC technicians, mechanics or installers. If you want more information about training to become part of this skilled trade, visit our website to find an HVAC training program near you or call 1-855-436-7847 to speak with a representative today.