Salt Lake City - Joe Simmons (2)
Salt Lake City - Joe Simmons (2)
Construction Trades Professional
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Trades
Fortis College in Salt Lake City
We look at Fortis as a really good partner in hiring quality employees because they seem to have a really good core of people that enroll in these classes.
We interface really well with career services here at Fortis. They actually make our lives very easy because they let us know when they have somebody who wants to get out to work, who’s enrolled in the program, who just graduated from the program, who’s in the middle of the program that want to work in the industry.
If you like working with your hands being an electrician, a plumber or an HVAC installer or HVAC service technician is an awesome career choice.
There’s always going to be a need for people who know how to troubleshoot, fix, install and help keep the heating and air on.
Additional Testimonials in Skilled Trades
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Fortis College in Columbia
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Fortis College in Columbia
Fortis College in Columbia
Fortis College in Columbia
Fortis Institute in Wayne
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Fortis College in Indianapolis
Fortis College in Columbia
Fortis College in Montgomery
Fortis College in Baton Rouge
Fortis Institute - Houston North
Fortis College in Norfolk
Fortis Institute in Nashville
Fortis College in Salt Lake City
Fortis College in Columbia
Fortis College in Richmond
Fortis Institute in Wayne
Fortis Institute in Wayne